Wednesday, July 14, 2010

We are going HOME!!

The results are in-although not "black and white". Olivia does have Histeocytosis, which can be treated on an outpatient basis! Her slides will be compared with another patient of Dr. Parikh's, with a similar, rare case of histeocytosis (non langerhans). Slides will also be sent to Dr. Robert Arceci at John Hopkins. We'll be back here sometime next week to meet with the neurosurgeon and onc/hemo docs for a treatment plan. She's SO excited to be going home!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. YAY~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Olivia, you are so beautiful. I have enjoyed looking at your pictures and reading your journal. You are quite an amazing young lady in our book already. Bri'anna said to tell you hello!! If you like when you are better she would love to send your cards and things to help pass the time by. She has a few histio friends she does this with across the country, and we have actually met some of these children. They are all cute, but not quite as cute as you and Bri'anan. ;)
    We are praying for you to have a total recovery, and we know that you have a great Mom taking care of you. Take care sweet girl.
    Tammy Zimmermann and Princess Breezie
